| The Markets and Exchanges Convention
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Day 1 - 7th April 2011 |
Neil Parekh, Partner, Starin Capital |
Esmond Lee, Executive Director, Financial Infrastructure, Hong Kong Monetary Authority |
Olivier Grimonpont, General Manager & Regional Head, APAC, Euroclear Bank, Patrick Cichy, Senior Business Consultant, HSBC, Neil Parekh, Partner, Starin Capital, Adam Wilson, Director, Securities Markets, Asia Pacifi c, SWIFT and Esmond Lee, Executive Director, Financial Infrastructure, Hong Kong Monetary Authority |
Adam Wilson, Director, Securities Markets, Asia Pacific, SWIFT |
Olivier Grimonpont, General Manager & Regional Head, APAC, Euroclear Bank |
Patrick Cichy, Senior Business Consultant, HSBC |
Lieven Van den Brande, Chief Operating Officer, Operations & Technology, Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange, Patrick Cichy, Senior Business Consultant, HSBC, Paul Egan, Managing Director, Regional Head of Intermediaries and Markets, Citibank, Romnesh Lamba, Executive Vice President and Head of Market Development, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker |
Romnesh Lamba, Executive Vice President and Head of Market Development, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited |
Paul Egan, Managing Director, Regional Head of Intermediaries and Markets, Citibank |
Lieven Van den Brande, Chief Operating Officer, Operations & Technology, Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange |
Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker |
Bharat Shah, Product Director, TCS BaNCS Securities Trading |
Shane Berkley, Executive Director for Operations- Credit and Rates Business, JP Morgan |
Brian Brown, Managing Director, The Shogi Group, Philip York, Chief Executive Offi cer, Empyreal Investments Group, Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker, Bharat Shah, Product Director, TCS BaNCS Securities Trading |
Philip York, Chief Executive Officer, Empyreal Investments Group |
Brian Brown, Managing Director, The Shogi Group |
James Pike, Executive Director, Regional Head of Derivative Operations, Morgan Stanley Asia Limited |
Mark Bell, Business Development Director, Calypso |
Tim Rowlands, Director of Research, Vector P/L |
Tim Rowlands, Director of Research, Vector P/L, Mark Bell, Business Development Director, Calypso, James Pike, Executive Director, Regional Head of Derivative Operations, Morgan Stanley Asia Limited and Shane Berkley, Executive Director for Operations- Credit and Rates Business, JP Morgan |
Day 2 - 8th April 2011 |
M. Ramaswami, President, Singapore Exchange (SGX) |
M. Ramaswami, President, Singapore Exchange (SGX), Emmanuel Daniel, President and CEO, The Asian Banker |
Lynn Mathews, Representative from CLS, Asia Pacifi c & Latin America, CLS Group Holdings |
Michael Corcoran, Head of Sales & Trading, ITG (Hong Kong), Chris Jenkins, Managing Director of Asia Pacific, Tora, Lee Porter, Managing Director, Liquidnet Asia Limited and Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker |
Michael Corcoran, Head of Sales & Trading, ITG (Hong Kong) and Chris Jenkins, Managing Director of Asia Pacific |
Lee Porter, Managing Director, Liquidnet Asia Limited |
Chris Jenkins, Managing Director of Asia Pacific |
James Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited |
Geert Desmedt, Head of Operations and Client Services, Asia-Pacific, Euroclear Bank, James Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, Adam Wilson, Director, Securities Markets, Asia Pacific, SWIFT, Gordian Gaeta, International Resource Director, The Asian Banker and Phyllis Lee, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited |
Phyllis Lee, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited |
Adam Wilson, Director, Securities Markets, Asia Pacific, SWIFT |
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