Colin Lawrence, 英国金融监管局审慎风险主管& 巴克莱银行前任首席风险官, Mark Lawrence博士,Mark Lawrence
集团执行董事&麦肯锡公司高级顾问; Teresa Curran, 旧金山联邦储备银行集团副总裁; 主持人: Jason George, 国际清算银行金融稳定局高级金融专家
Tham Ming Soong, 大华银行首席风险官 & 新加坡金融监管局前财务风险总监 ; 李祥林, 中金公司首席风险官,执行总经理; 主持人: Mark Lawrence博士,Mark Lawrence集团执行董事&麦肯锡公司高级顾问和Jason George, 国际清算银行金融稳定局高级金融专家
12.30 – 2.00 pm
特别圆桌午宴 (仅限受邀嘉宾参与) 将新巴塞尔协议第二节与资本充足率评估流程与商业战略整合 Li Lin, 浦东发展银行战略部总监, Andrew Carriline, 澳大利亚西太平洋银行风险管理总监; Michael Hamar, 澳大利亚国家银行前首席风险官和Saloni Ramakrishna, 甲骨文金融服务软件公司(亚太区和日本)风险与治理解决方案主任
"It is good that you take yourself away from your job and follow a seminar like this What is good is that there are practitioners , regulators, and also representatives from the IT companies, so we get different angles."
DE Setiyoso
President Director, Bank Central Asia
"This is becoming a much more important industry forum, not just for the client relationship but also for the peer relationships as well."
John Ball
Head, Cash Management-FI, Asia Pacific, Deutsche Bank
"It was a very informative, very good for me. I'd like to join the event every year if I can. All three [Summit] tracks were very interesting."
Dr Chim Tantiyaswasdikul
Assistant Governor, Bank of Thailand
"It was a very good event. All the speakers and panelists were top class. The Asian Banker did a great job."
Johnny Mao
Chief Risk Officer, Bank of East Asia
"Unlike other events, which barely scratch the surface, The Asian Banker Summit managed to create an atmosphere of constant engagement and interaction."